CTEK reveals - Astonishing numbers of vehicles are entering the workshop with discharged batteries

Battery charging educational

As the owner of a workshop, it is crucial to consider various factors when vehicles come in for service or diagnostics. These factors become even more important when taking into account a recent European survey carried out by battery management specialist CTEK, where over 700 workshop employees participated. Almost 20% of the technicians surveyed said that out of 10 vehicles arriving at their workshop, 3-5 have a battery problem – so up to 50%.   

Recent research conducted by a leading battery manufacturer has unveiled a surprising insight: more than 85% of warranty claims were not due to battery faults but rather a lack of charge or inadequate maintenance by customers, leading to battery sulfation. 

In line with these findings, the annual report of the German breakdown company ADAC for 2021 highlighted that battery issues directly caused 46.3% of over 3 million breakdown incidents.  

During the servicing process, it has been observed that a vehicle's battery can lose up to 10% of its charge.  

It is worth noting that battery charge levels can significantly decrease in just a few days of non-use, reaching dangerously low levels. It is crucial to emphasize that most battery problems are not caused by faulty batteries themselves but rather stem from improper charging practices. 

These factors mean that it’s more important than ever before to deliver dedicated battery support to each and every vehicle entering the workshop, using a safe and stable power supply  

To assist professional workshops in optimizing their battery service and diagnostic procedures, CTEK offers the following top tips: 

Test the battery and report condition to the customer 

Once the battery test is completed, the results are communicated to the customer. If the opportunity is there, connect a charger to the vehicle when in for work. It’s considered good practice to connect a charger to the vehicle while in for service or diagnostic work.  When you’re testing the battery, you could use CTEK’s PRO Battery Tester, your ultimate solution for fast, precise, and hassle-free battery testing in workshop settings. With its integrated printer, this cutting-edge device allows you to generate instant printouts of test results, enabling immediate discussions with customers about necessary preventative maintenance for their battery or electrical system. 

If carrying out diagnostic or reprogramming work - connect a BSU 

The purpose of connecting a battery support unit, such as the CTEK PRO120, during diagnostic or reprogramming work is to ensure a stable power source for the vehicle's electrical system, preventing ghost fault codes from being generated by low battery voltage. Diagnostic tests and reprogramming procedures can put a strain on the battery, especially if they require extended periods of time. By connecting a battery support unit, it helps maintain a consistent power supply and prevents the battery from being drained during the process. 

Do not use a jump start pack for battery support work - always use a battery support unit 

Jump start packs are primarily designed for emergency situations to start a vehicle with a flat battery. A dedicated Battery Support Unit (BSU) is designed specifically for battery maintenance and support tasks. BSUs typically provide a continuous and controlled power supply, which is important for tasks that require a consistent voltage supply, such as diagnostic procedures or reprogramming work. 

Connecting a charger/powersupply unit to the vehicle minimises the amount of error codes. 

Your diagnostic equipment will not work properly without the correct voltage supplied by a power supply unit. A stable and sufficient power supply can help prevent voltage fluctuations or drops that may trigger false or ghost error codes. Insufficient or unstable voltage can affect the accuracy and reliability of diagnostic readings, leading to incorrect results or incomplete diagnoses. 

By following these top tips, workshops can enhance their battery service and diagnostic procedures, ensuring optimal performance and reducing the risk of breakdown incidents caused by battery-related issues. 


CTEK’s PRO products are ideal for use in the professional workshop. They have a stable voltage, selectable voltage and protect against de-rating. The battery support units are compatible with all types of 12V batteries and have automatic parallel load compensation. They are equipped with a fully automatic 8-step charging process that supports the workshop during service and diagnostics.  

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