CTEK's Long-Standing Partnership with Karlfeldtsgymnasiet: Insights from Jacob Göthberg

Battery charging editorial

In an insightful interview, Jacob Göthberg, Industrial Design Engineer and Team Leader at CTEK, shares the journey and impact of CTEK’s decade-long collaboration with Karlfeldtsgymnasiet’s technical branch. Here, Göthberg provides a detailed look into the program’s beginnings, its evolution, and the benefits it brings to students and the industry alike. 

The beginning of a fruitful collaboration 

When asked about the origins of the partnership, Göthberg reflects, "It began more than a decade ago when Karlfeldtsgymnasiet reached out to CTEK, requesting annual study visits for their technical branch students. Initially, two individuals were involved, but over the years, different people have participated. Five years ago, Åsa, a former trainer at SKILLBASE, took over the program. Right now, I’ve been attending as a teacher/representative for industrial design together with others from CTEK" 

Training and information for aspiring technicians 

Every year, students visiting CTEK receive valuable insights and training that bridge their academic knowledge with real-world applications. Göthberg explains, "We educate them about the development process and the creation of new products. We also teach them about CTEK and the importance of maintaining a 12V battery. It's motivational that they gain a real-world perspective on what they've studied in school and understand how it can be applied in the future." 

To enhance their learning experience, students are given practical tasks. Göthberg adds, “In the last program, they were given a task to bring back after the study visit, a problem to solve or similar.” 

Extra training for exceptional students 

Each year, outstanding students receive an additional day of training at CTEK. Göthberg describes the selection process and the training they receive: "Students that have excelled in school are given a dedicated day at CTEK to deepen their knowledge. During their visit, we delve into product development, focusing on my specialty, industrial design, and explaining CTEK's operations and battery charging technology. This year when we give out a scholarship, in addition to receiving a diploma, the selected students are also awarded a CTEK CS FREE!" 

Skills and knowledge for future success 

Göthberg emphasises the key skills and attitudes CTEK hopes to instill in the students: "I hope they learn the value of collaboration and the principle that the team comes before the individual. Great products are not the result of one person’s efforts, the magic is created together. It's also crucial to have an open and empathetic mindset, as this is the key to success." 

He also highlights the importance of creative thinking, stating, "It's essential to maintain a child's mind—untainted and unspoiled, capable of thinking creatively and outside the box without focusing on problems or limitations. We often limit ourselves unnecessarily. Dare to think freely and don't restrict yourself by what seems possible." 

Presence at the scholarship ceremony 

This year marks a significant milestone as CTEK will be present at the scholarship ceremony at Karlfeldtsgymnasiet for the first time. Göthberg shares his excitement: “It feels very exciting, and we are honoured to be able to hand out this scholarship!” 

Impact on future technical talents 

Reflecting on the broader impact of this collaboration, Göthberg believes it plays a crucial role in shaping future technical talents. "I believe it's a solid foundation to build upon. Using incentives can really help students manage school. When I was in school, everything revolved around it and it felt like the entire world. Students often feel they're doing tasks just because the teacher says so, but they should ask themselves who they're doing it for. The answer is for their future and future self. Realizing this helps them look ahead and see that they are creating their own future. It helps students see their goals and the opportunities available to them." 

The collaboration between CTEK and Karlfeldtsgymnasiet exemplifies a successful partnership that not only provides practical knowledge and training to students but also inspires and prepares them for their future careers. Jacob Göthberg’s insights highlight the importance of such industry-academic collaborations in nurturing the next generation of technical talents. 

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