Motorcycle Maintenance Perspectives: Insights from Mirsad and Tom from CTEK

Battery charging editorial

In the world of motorcycling, ensuring your bike is well-maintained is paramount for safety and enjoyment on the road. Mirsad Fazlic and Tom Verta, two employees at CTEK, share their perspectives on motorcycle care, dream trips, and the tools they rely on. 

Mirsad Fazlic: Riding for Relaxation and Fun 

Mirsad Fazlic approaches motorcycle maintenance with a blend of practicality and passion. For him, riding isn't just about the destination but the entire experience. Here's how he takes care of his bike during the riding season: 

Maintenance Routine:
Mirsad emphasises safety by regularly checking his bike's condition and ensuring it's in a safe state to ride. This includes washing the bike when necessary and employing a battery charger if the bike will be idle for an extended period. 

Pre-Ride Checklist:
Before hitting the road, Mirsad dons his protective gear and conducts a quick yet crucial inspection of his bike. This includes ensuring his helmet and visor are clean, testing the brakes, and confirming the bike's overall safety. 

Packing Essentials:
While Mirsad prefers to travel light, recent experiences have taught him the value of preparedness. He now carries essentials like a CS FREE and a small tool kit in his backpack, ready to assist fellow riders in need. 

Dream Trip:
Mirsad's dream motorcycle journey takes him along the breathtaking coast of Croatia, a place close to his heart. The allure of scenic landscapes combined with the thrill of riding resonates deeply with him. 

Purpose of Riding:
For Mirsad, riding isn't just a mode of transportation; it's a means to unwind and enjoy life. Stress relief and fun are at the core of his riding experience. 

CTEK Products:
Mirsad relies on CTEK products like Battery Sense, CS FREE, CS ONE, and MXS 5.0 for effective battery management and charging. 

Rookie Mistakes:
So far, Mirsad has managed to avoid rookie mistakes, a testament to his attention to detail and cautious approach to riding. 

Tom Verta: Racing Enthusiast with a Passion for Touring 

Tom Verta's approach to motorcycle care is driven by his dual interests in racing and touring. Here's a glimpse into his maintenance routine and riding philosophy: 

Maintenance Routine:
Tom maintains his bike meticulously during the riding season, performing tasks like washing, lubricating the chain, changing engine oil, and charging the battery to ensure optimal performance. 

Pre-Ride Checklist:
Before embarking on any journey, Tom prioritizes safety by cleaning his helmet and visor, refuelling his bike, and checking tire pressure to prevent any unforeseen issues on the road. 

Packing Essentials:
Tom's packing list is refreshingly simple – a happy mood. 

Dream Trip:
Tom's ultimate motorcycle adventure involves spending a week exploring the scenic landscapes of New Zealand, a dream destination for riders seeking thrilling roads and breathtaking views. 

Purpose of Riding:
For Tom, motorcycles are more than just machines – they're a gateway to adrenaline-fueled racing experiences and memorable touring adventures. 

CTEK Products:
Tom relies on CTEK products like MXS 5.0 POLAR, XS 0.8, and CS FREE to keep his bike in top condition and ensure reliable battery performance. 

Rookie Mistakes:
Despite his experience, Tom admits to a few rookie errors, including neglecting to charge the battery, which resulted in unnecessary replacements, as well as overpacking for trips, a lesson learned in the pursuit of simplicity on the road. 

In conclusion, Mirsad and Tom offer unique perspectives on motorcycle maintenance and riding experiences. Whether it's finding solace on coastal roads or seeking adrenaline on the racetrack, their passion for motorcycles and dedication to care and maintenance shine through, supported by the reliability of CTEK products.