Bassetlaw Council switches on EV charging for the NHS

Case Study | EV Charging

NHS staff in Worksop are charging their Electric Vehicles (EVs) using CTEK charge points installed by Bassetlaw District Council in one of its car parks in the Nottinghamshire town. 

The four CTEK dual outlet CC2 charge points are in the Council’s Town Hall East car park, which is now exclusively for the use of NHS staff in the mental health support unit based on one floor of Worksop Town Hall. The Council is leasing the office space to the NHS unit. 

The CTEK charge points, which are mounted back-to-back on two poles, can charge up to eight EVs at any one time at 10% of the 80 spaces in the car park. 

Councillor Darrell Pulk, Cabinet Member for Environment and Energy said: “As part of our Bassetlaw Vision 2040 we are aiming to be the cleanest, greenest district in the country.  

“Providing the infrastructure and capability that will encourage more people to use electric vehicles, alongside our other carbon reducing efforts, will help us to achieve this goal. 

“Installing these charging points is of great benefit to our visitors, businesses, the NHS, and our own operations as we expand our own fleet of electric vehicles and strengthen our commitment to help to protect the environment by reducing our carbon footprint.” 

CTEK’s award-winning CC2 charge point provide up to 22kW AC current at each outlet. In January CTEK won Electric Vehicle Chargepoint Manufacturer of the Year at the UK’s 2023 E-Mobility Awards. CTEK, based in Sweden, has sold more than 100,000 charging units. 

Cecilia Routledge, CTEK’s Global Director Energy and Facilities, said: “We are very pleased that our CC2 charge points are charging the EVs of such valued health workers in the heart of Worksop. 

“Workplace charging is increasingly important for and desired by employees in both the public and private sectors. Such provision will help encourage more petrol and diesel car drivers to make the switch to electric, which is essential to the UK’s path to net zero. 

“Being able to charge whilst at work is particularly valuable for key workers who may not have access to charging at home if they live in flats or other accommodation without a driveway or garage.” 

Bassetlaw District Council has also recently installed another four CTEK charge points at the new Middletons Yard business hub in Worksop. EV charging there is available to business tenants and visitors. 

Middletons Yard is a multifunctional business location in the heart of Worksop’s historical town centre, with environmentally friendly and flexible office spaces with custom layouts, meeting rooms and break-out spaces. 

Scott Connell is a director of SCE Electrical & Air Conditioning Services, which installed the chargepoints at Town Hall East and Middletons Yard. SCE will next install two CTEK chargepoints at the Council’s depot for use by the authority’s six new EV vehicles in its fleet. 

Scott said: “The big plus for CTEK’s chargepoints is how robust they are. That is vital for a chargepoint in a public or workplace setting. 

“For us as installers, the CTEK chargepoints are easy to set up and there are CTEK people locally to go to for any advice or technical help.” 

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